Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Is it okey to pair my masked lovebirds to pischers lovebirds??

i have one masked lovebirds right now, if i buy one pischers lovebirds to pair it to my masked lovebirds is it ok?Is it okey to pair my masked lovebirds to pischers lovebirds??
It will be ok as long as you have a male and a female. If you plan to breed, then accept that you will get mixed young of either half and half, or you may also get babies which are all Masked, but split for Pischers which means any of their future offspring will be Pischers.

Two males of opposite breeds, will most likely fight as they have not been raised from a young age, and two females may squabble. To prevent a pair from breeding, simply don't allow anywhere for them to breed in so don't use a box, and any eggs laid, should be removedIs it okey to pair my masked lovebirds to pischers lovebirds??
In general lovebird breeders try to stay far away from producing hybrids. You can't import lovebirds anymore so they try to keep the separate species separate. If you just wanted them for a pair, not for breeding then go ahead and try it. Just be aware reputable breeders, or those who really know about them, won't be buying from you, and it's generally frowned upon in the bird breeding sect. Hybrids are worth less too so breeding for any profit doesn't make sense.
the best thing to do is to buy the pischers and in a cage, keep the two birds next to eachother BUT in seperate cages. If the staay and are interested in eachother, then give it a shot otherwise dont
if they breed their young would be hybrids, either get another masked or a pair of fischers they both come in various colour mutations so you can play with genetics that way if you wish

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